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Coder Dojo is a not-for-profit programme founded by James Whelton and Bill Liao in Cork, which delivers free computer coding classes to children and young adults in local communities all over the world. Now in its second year in Carrick On Shannon, it’s basically a computer coding club for kids, but in their own words .

The new term of the Carrick on Shannon dojo will commence from September 2024 (date and time for first dojo TBC). Please check our Facebook page for updates or www.carrickdojo.com

Coderdojo Carrick on Shannon is proudly sponsored by The Hive / Leitrim County Enterprise Fund

Coder Dojo was started to provide several things. Firstly an environment where interested youths can meet similar minded peers, learn new skills, participate in various activities and learn about all the areas of IT. In addition to this, Coder Dojo provides a syllabus of various areas of programming (iPhone dev, Web dev, etc.) to be completed and rewarded with various levels of ability. The syllabus is accompanied by relevant documentation so kids can learn outside of the sessions and reference it. Coder Dojo also provides competitions and events that recognises talent and allow youths to meet and see developers in action and learn more about careers in IT. Check the CoderDojo Foundation for more information.

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